Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
container_base< r_option >A class representing the whole simulation region
neighbor_noneA class passed to the voronoicell_base template to switch off neighbor computation
neighbor_trackA class passed to the voronoicell_base template to switch on the neighbor computation
radius_monoA class encapsulating all routines specifically needed in the standard Voronoi tessellation
radius_polyA class encapsulating all routines specifically needed in the Voronoi radical tessellation
suretestA class to reliably carry out floating point comparisons, storing marginal cases for future reference
voronoicell_base< n_option >A class encapsulating all the routines for storing and calculating a single Voronoi cell
voropp_loopA class to handle loops on regions of the container handling non-periodic and periodic boundary conditions
wallPure virtual class from which wall objects are derived
wall_coneA class representing a conical wall object
wall_cylinderA class representing a cylindrical wall object
wall_planeA class representing a plane wall object
wall_sphereA class representing a spherical wall object

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