wall Class Reference

Pure virtual class from which wall objects are derived. More...

#include <container.hh>

Inheritance diagram for wall:
wall_cone wall_cylinder wall_plane wall_sphere

Public Member Functions

virtual bool point_inside (fpoint x, fpoint y, fpoint z)=0
virtual bool cut_cell (voronoicell_base< neighbor_none > &c, fpoint x, fpoint y, fpoint z)=0
virtual bool cut_cell (voronoicell_base< neighbor_track > &c, fpoint x, fpoint y, fpoint z)=0

Detailed Description

Pure virtual class from which wall objects are derived.

This is a pure virtual class for a generic wall object. A wall object can be specified by deriving a new class from this and specifying the functions.

Definition at line 340 of file container.hh.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool wall::cut_cell ( voronoicell_base< neighbor_track > &  c,
fpoint  x,
fpoint  y,
fpoint  z 
) [pure virtual]

A pure virtual function for cutting a cell with neighbor-tracking enabled with a wall.

Implemented in wall_sphere, wall_plane, wall_cylinder, and wall_cone.

virtual bool wall::cut_cell ( voronoicell_base< neighbor_none > &  c,
fpoint  x,
fpoint  y,
fpoint  z 
) [pure virtual]

A pure virtual function for cutting a cell without neighbor-tracking with a wall.

Implemented in wall_sphere, wall_plane, wall_cylinder, and wall_cone.

virtual bool wall::point_inside ( fpoint  x,
fpoint  y,
fpoint  z 
) [pure virtual]

A pure virtual function for testing whether a point is inside the wall object.

Implemented in wall_sphere, wall_plane, wall_cylinder, and wall_cone.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Tue Sep 29 11:46:28 2009 for Voro++ by  doxygen 1.6.1