config.hh File Reference

Master configuration file for setting various compile-time options. More...

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#define VOROPP_VERBOSE   0


typedef double fpoint


const int init_vertices = 256
const int init_vertex_order = 64
const int init_3_vertices = 256
const int init_n_vertices = 8
const int init_marginal = 256
const int init_delete_size = 256
const int init_delete2_size = 256
const int init_facet_size = 32
const int init_wall_size = 32
const int max_vertices = 16777216
const int max_vertex_order = 2048
const int max_n_vertices = 16777216
const int max_marginal = 16777216
const int max_delete_size = 16777216
const int max_delete2_size = 16777216
const int max_particle_memory = 16777216
const int max_wall_size = 2048
const fpoint tolerance = 1e-10
const fpoint tolerance2 = 2e-10
const fpoint tolerance_sq = tolerance*tolerance
const fpoint large_number = 1e30

Detailed Description

Master configuration file for setting various compile-time options.

Definition in file config.hh.

Define Documentation


Voro++ returns this status code if it could not interpret to the command line arguments passed to the command line utility.

Definition at line 117 of file config.hh.


Voro++ returns this status code if there is a file-related error, such as not being able to open file.

Definition at line 103 of file config.hh.


Voro++ returns this status code if there is any type of internal error, if it detects that representation of the Voronoi cell is inconsistent. This status code will generally indicate a bug, and the developer should be contacted.

Definition at line 113 of file config.hh.


Voro++ returns this status code if there is a memory allocation error, if one of the safe memory limits is exceeded.

Definition at line 107 of file config.hh.

#define VOROPP_VERBOSE   0

Voro++ can print a number of different status and debugging messages to notify the user of special behavior, and this macro sets the amount which are displayed. At level 0, no messages are printed. At level 1, messages about unusual cases during cell construction are printed, such as when the plane routine bails out due to floating point problems. At level 2, general messages about memory expansion are printed. At level 3, technical details about memory management are printed.

Definition at line 62 of file config.hh.

Typedef Documentation

typedef double fpoint

The declaration of fpoint allows that code to be compiled both using single precision numbers and double precision numbers. Under normal usage fpoint is set be a double precision floating point number, but defining the preprocessor macro VOROPP_SINGLE_PRECISION will switch it to single precision and make the code tolerances larger.

Definition at line 73 of file config.hh.

Variable Documentation

const int init_3_vertices = 256

The initial memory allocation for the number of regular vertices of order 3.

Definition at line 20 of file config.hh.

const int init_delete2_size = 256

The initial size for the auxiliary delete stack.

Definition at line 29 of file config.hh.

const int init_delete_size = 256

The initial size for the delete stack.

Definition at line 27 of file config.hh.

const int init_facet_size = 32

The initial size for the facets evaluation.

Definition at line 31 of file config.hh.

const int init_marginal = 256

The initial buffer size for marginal cases used by the suretest class.

Definition at line 25 of file config.hh.

const int init_n_vertices = 8

The initial memory allocation for the number of vertices of higher order.

Definition at line 23 of file config.hh.

const int init_vertex_order = 64

The initial memory allocation for the maximum vertex order.

Definition at line 17 of file config.hh.

const int init_vertices = 256

The initial memory allocation for the number of vertices.

Definition at line 15 of file config.hh.

const int init_wall_size = 32

The initial size for the wall pointer array.

Definition at line 33 of file config.hh.

const fpoint large_number = 1e30

A large number that is used in the computation.

Definition at line 99 of file config.hh.

const int max_delete2_size = 16777216

The maximum size for the auxiliary delete stack.

Definition at line 48 of file config.hh.

const int max_delete_size = 16777216

The maximum size for the delete stack.

Definition at line 46 of file config.hh.

const int max_marginal = 16777216

The maximum buffer size for marginal cases used by the suretest class.

Definition at line 44 of file config.hh.

const int max_n_vertices = 16777216

The maximum memory allocation for the any particular order of vertex.

Definition at line 42 of file config.hh.

const int max_particle_memory = 16777216

The maximum amount of particle memory allocated for a single region.

Definition at line 50 of file config.hh.

const int max_vertex_order = 2048

The maximum memory allocation for the maximum vertex order.

Definition at line 40 of file config.hh.

const int max_vertices = 16777216

The maximum memory allocation for the number of vertices.

Definition at line 38 of file config.hh.

const int max_wall_size = 2048

The maximum size for the wall pointer array.

Definition at line 52 of file config.hh.

const fpoint tolerance = 1e-10

If a point is within this distance of a cutting plane, then the code assumes that point exactly lies on the plane.

Definition at line 81 of file config.hh.

const fpoint tolerance2 = 2e-10

If a point is within this distance of a cutting plane, then the code stores whether this point is inside, outside, or exactly on the cutting plane in the marginal cases buffer, to prevent the test giving a different result on a subsequent evaluation due to floating point rounding errors.

Definition at line 91 of file config.hh.

The square of the tolerance, used when deciding whether some squared quantities are large enough to be used.

Definition at line 96 of file config.hh.

Generated on Tue Sep 29 11:46:27 2009 for Voro++ by  doxygen 1.6.1